To produce potato seeds, small potato tubers (mini-tubers) are first produced out of Iranian market. These tiny tubers are produced from potato tissue culture in special culture media, which are completely isolated and free from contamination. After a re-cultivation phase, the obtained potatoes are used as seed for planting in fields in Iranian market. Potato is a one-year-old plant that we use from the tubers in its root. The most important main part in potatoes is starch, which usually consists of 9 to 25 percent of it; hence it is a useful part that is less affected by pests and easier to grow than grains.
In recent years, high steps have been taken to produce seed potato seeds in the province of Ardebil out of potato marketing in Iran, so that this province is one of the leading centers for the production and processing of potato seed in Iranian market. Potatoes are one of the most important productions of Ardabil province, and between 600 and 850 thousand tons of potatoes are produced annually in Ardebil province, producing about one quarter to one fifth of the country's potatoes, among the three main provinces of the country.
Implementation of autumn and winter potato plantation in Ardebil for marketing in Iran
Director of Agricultural in Ardebil province announced the implementation of autumn and winter crop cultivation of potatoes at a level of 200 hectares of agricultural land in Ardebil out of Iranian market.
According to the positive results of the autumn and winter crop of potatoes with the aim of changing the pattern of cultivation and management of water resources, autumn and winter crop cultivation of potatoes develops in Ardebil.
He said: "The pattern of autumn fallow potatoes is one of the new cultivating patterns in the region, which is due to the lack of access to the product in the Iranian market, so the cultivation of this cultivar is important because of the Iranian market need."
Director of Agricultural in Ardebil added; water consumption is low and early harvest, which is the second half of July, and reduces the cost of storage from other benefits of the autumn crop of this product, he said: According to experts, the best planting date for autumn fall in the second half of November and the winter in March In Ardebil region reported over potato marketing in Iran.
He pointed out the suitable cultivars for autumn and winter potatoes Agria and Savalan cultivars and said: To farmers who are planting the fall and winter of this product, it is recommended to prevent the outbreak of Chickpea Rhizoctonia stem and dandruff Potato seedlings with Use the appropriate fungicide to disinfect.
Advanced potato seed production research
A member of the faculty of the Agricultural and Natural Resources Education Research Center of Ardebil province reported on advanced research on potatoes and the production of 2 million mini-tuber seeds in the province out of seed marketing in Iran.
Davood Hassan Panah, referring to the continuation of research into increasing the multiplication factor of potato seed production and lowering the cost of production in this regard, added: Mini tubers are small tissue tubers from potato tissue that are produced in completely isolated isolates and free of any contamination It can supply seeds of potato rootstocks and require the Iranian market to import potato seed.
Recalling that Ardabil province is one of the major provinces of Iranian market in the field of potato production, he added: Three potato producers are producing in the province, which can produce more than 2 million potato tubers annually. However, because of the Iranian market’s high demand for healthy potato seeds, it is essential to increase this production for marketing in Iran.
The researcher stated that potato seeds produced in Ardebil province are free of any pathogens. In the supply of imported seeds, there was a fear of illness and seed contamination, which would require the supply of seed potatoes to the Iranian market with domestic seed supply.
Hassan Panah stated: By research, instead of direct seedlings in the greenhouse, microscopic tuberculosis cultivars are used for cultivation, which is used to cultivate the seeds of the mini-tuber obtained from these greenhouses after replication. Eliot seed and Super Elite are available to farmers.
A member of the faculty of the Agricultural Research Center for Agricultural and Natural Resources Education said: "In the past few years, there has been a lot of research on the production of mini-tubes, including the use of the Pit Moss bedding, which is a type of imported leafy soil, from native suburbs that are very cheap We have used a higher price tag to produce miniature tubes with high reproduction rates.
He noted: Pete Moss is in fact the remains of moss and algae, most of which are produced in countries such as Estonia and Lithuania. These mosses are harvested and packaged during the process, and the soil produced from the leaves thus absorbs water up to 20 times its neutral ph. However, we used the soil of high-quality leaflets produced inside the province to reduce the cost of potato seed production in the province for marketing in Iran, instead of using the soil of imported leaves out of Iranian market.