was the first to introduce potatoes to Iran and show it to Iranian costumers in Iranian market in the middle of the Fatah Shah Qajar kingdom.
Hence, in the beginning, Iranian costumers used to call potato "Plum Malcolm" in Iranian market and now in some parts of Iranian market people know potatoes as known as plums. The term "potato" was later popularized among people, but in Afghanistan it is called "caecalou", which is probably a combination of the two words "caeca", meaning "uncooked" and "plum". In fact, the emphasis on rawness is not irrelevant because, for example, carrot can be consumed both raw and cooked; however, the potato must be cooked before eating it, until it lose all its poisonous chemical bounds.
Commonly known compounds are called solanine and cocoonin, which usually disappear at 170 ° C. If these poisonous substances remain in the potato mix, eating it causes headaches, diarrhea, and stiff muscle contractions. This fact is known by public in Iranian market, that’s why potato marketing in Iran must be delicate and completely hygienic for Iranian costumers over Iranian market.
Potato is Sirjan Sarkhan Malekm Khan’s souvenir for Iranian market
Did you know that the "potato" was so important which United Nations named year 2008 the International Potato Year?
The United Nations has announced the year 2008 “the year of potato” in an attempt to help boost the production of potatoes in the countries of the world and to incorporate this product into the food basket of various people, especially the poor ones, the International Year of Potatoes has affect Iranian market out of potato marketing in Iran too.
The plan aims to raise the awareness of the world's countries about the potential of this product to fill the food basket of the poor people of the world, given the rise in rice prices in the world markets and also In Iranian market. According to United Nations figures in 2006, the people of Europe, Russia and North America have consumed about 325 million tons of world annual potato production, while China, India and Russia produce about 40 percent of the world's potato production.
According to experts, potatoes with an average price of 15 cents per kilogram, compared with wheat, which is 40 cents per kilo, is a much cheaper product available to the public not only in global market but also in Iranian market.
Following the declaration of 2008 as the year of potatoes in the world, there were plans for this purpose, and it is interesting to know that from October 4 to 11, 2008, in Spain, the Potato Week was named out of this action, and also in this field various conferences and exhibitions in 2008 happened in various parts of the world.
Probably, you've come to know the importance of the "potato" with the same lines! Now you may want to hear the story of the potato from Iranian market’s point of view.
Among the thousands of types of fruits and vegetables and plants, potatoes have a special place. With a brief search, you can find out how much the plant is around the world and how many potato clubs in different countries not only in Iranian market but also in global market, promote potatoes and encourage people to use this important plant.
The potato is a rough vegetable plant that is rooted in almost every altitude from the surface of the water, its roots are also able to run on dry land, and it lasts in the northern cold and wetlands with wet soils. Because of its consistency, potato has made a good place for vegetable marketing in Iran.
Each grain is rich in vitamins and minerals and proteins, calories and cellulose, which provides daily body care and a healthy diet. One funny fact is that an adult can survive just by eating potatoes for a long time.
The origins of modern potatoes can be traced and attributed to a single plant grown over seven thousand years ago. In the sixteenth century, the rise in population and food shortages led the rulers of Spain and the United Kingdom to the sailors sent their ship to the Americas to find new sources of food. In 1524, a seagate called Frascisco Pisa arrived in Peru, and began to plant potatoes on this land, and in the second half of the sixteenth century, an crop Land was sent to Spain, and then the potato gradually shifted from Spain to other European countries In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the only way to save the continual famine in Europe was to cultivate potatoes and become a complete food product from the late eighteenth century, potatoes from Europe in 1719 traveled to North America and then Was taken to Asia and Iranian market.
But in Iranian market, at the time of Fath Ali Shah Qajar, Sirjan Malekam, the ambassador of the United Kingdom in Iran, donated some potato seeds to the Qajar king's court, for this reason they were first called Malquam's plum, and now in some Iranian cities potatoes are called plums. The seeds were first planted in Peshand village around Tehran (current Alborz province) and then cultivated in Fardin Isfahan and gradually in Zanjan, Khorasan, Fars, and eventually spread to other Iranian market. Potatoes are now one of the most important agricultural products and form the basis of nutrition for many people in Iran and the world.